The First Bath and The Early Bath Routine

The first bath is special for both you and your little one. To ensure the first bath will be successful, it is essential to be well-prepared and lower the expectations for duration and success. 

We recommend that you wait with the first bath until your baby’s skin has absorbed the fetal fat and the remains of the umbilical cord are fallen off. You can read more about this in our article about The Newborn Skin.

Preparation is key

Make sure that your baby is fed and has had a nap before a bath. Baths can be quite an experience for a newborn baby, as all their senses will be used during the bath, so make sure that you are prepared and that you can ensure that everyone will have a great experience.

It is crucial for a good bath to have a comfortable temperature in the room where your baby is undressed and bathed to ensure your baby will not get cold. It is significant that the water is at the correct temperature - not too warm and not too cold. A great rule of thumb is that the water should be lukewarm. If you feel the water, it should feel at the same temperature as your finger, as we aim for the water to be the same temperature as your baby. Also, make sure a nice soft towel is ready when the bath is finished, as babies tend to get cold fast. 

When the water is ready, and your baby is undressed, it is important that you carefully lower your baby into the water. Remember, a wet baby is very slippery, so anticipate that you will get wet in order to have a good hold on your baby, or perhaps use a small bath chair. Only leave your baby in the water with 100% attention. We also recommend that you always have your hands on and around your baby, whether you use a bath chair or not. During the first six months, you do not need to use anything but a few drops of oil in the water. We recommend using our Velvet Droplets Oil as the unique composition of oils from oats and jojoba ensures that your baby’s skin is all soft and moisturized after the bath. Once the water has the correct temperature, add a few drops of oil and mix it into the water - now it is ready for your little one.

Create a safe environment by simulating life in the belly

When you lower your baby into the water, it is a great idea to sing or speak to your baby, as this will make sure that he/she feels safe by listening to mom or dad. Some babies reach out when they are lowered into the water - this is completely natural and is a result of feeling weightless and their innate ability to grasp for stability. The first two times you bathe your baby, try one parent holding the baby and the other holding the baby’s hands. Another way of recreating a safe environment is to swaddle your baby in a diaper cloth, which can help simulate the secure feeling of life in the belly. 

A short but comfortable bath

The first time you bathe your baby, he or she might not be able to stay in the water for an extended period of time. Usually, it should be a couple of minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes. A bath can be very demanding and must be a good experience. When you take your baby out of the water, have your towel ready; a little one can quickly get cold and have difficulty finding warmth again.

Carefully dab your baby with the towel and ensure that he or she is completely dry before putting on a diaper and clothes. 

For most babies, intimacy with mom or dad is in great need after a bath - a nap might also be needed. 

x SoKind, Marie Louise 


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